🌿 The Good Day Protocol 🌿
A dear friend of mine shared this with me & today I would like to share this with you!
This is how I would like to step out into the world each day 🌿
🌿 Valor 🌿
On the Wrists, hold together a few seconds
Affirmation: "I am Grounded, Stable and Balanced, I am full of courage & Confidence"
Declare: "I am strong and courageous, it is the Lord my God who goes with me, He will not leave me or forsake me" Deuteronomy 31:16
🌿 Joy 🌿
Rub in over the Heart
Affirmation: "I am Full of Optimism, my Heart is Joyful"
Declare: "The Joy of the Lord is my strength" Nehemiah 8:10
🌿 Peace & Calming 🌿
(Harmony can be used in countries where it is available)
Rub in on the Solar Plexus (below the Diaphragm)
Affirmation: "I am in Harmony with the Flow of Life, I have Unconditional Love for those around me"
Declare: "And above all these, I put on Love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony" Colossians 3:13
🌿 White Angelica 🌿
On the Palms, then brush over body like an angelic shield, can also do a drop on the Crown
Affirmation: "I am Safe & protected. I interact with those around me appropriately. I take All of the Good & None of the Bad"
Declare: "I am Strong in the Lord and His Mighty Power. I put on the Full Amour of God" Ephesians 6:10-11
🌿What an Awesome Way to Start Your Day!! Have a Great Weekend Everybody!! 🌿
